Tuesday, January 2, 2007

My First Felted Project

Here is my first attempt at felting. It wasn't all that complicated, and it turned out almost as I had expected, except with a bit more vertical shrinkage than predicted. So now I just have to figure out how to put it together. I bought these metal rings at Michael's today and they're not the size I really wanted but I think they will do. The other option was to buy some old belts and "repurpose" their hardware. But, I didn't. I was a little lazy and am also hoping for something actually usuable [by this I mean not too homemade (not too embarrassing or poor looking)]. Do you think I should line it with some fabric? I'll show you the finished product in a couple days, or maybe even tommorrow.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Looking good oh creative one! Love your blog! Can't wait to read more! xoxoxoxo